Hey y’all!
We have a room opening up in our house on April 1st! We are currently 3 folks aged 28-30, who have all lived in Santa Cruz for 7+ years and together for 3.
As a household we are enjoy maintaining a generally quiet and clean house, our home is a place of quiet refuge, a place of rest to recharge from the demands of the outside world.
We value community, as well as privacy, and do our best to respect the needs of each person who lives in the home.
A little more about us! We are an established home and have lived on the property for the past 3 years.
We thoroughly enjoy the space we’ve created and do our best to maintain a comfortable and welcoming home.
Michael (30, he/him) and Kiera (28, she/her) both work full time for local SC businesses, Amando (30 he/him) is a recent graduate of UCSC and a local private chef! The landlord, David (70?, he/him), lives in a granny unit on the property where he operates his violin making business and shares our kitchen space.
Our home is very important to us and we’re hoping to find another person who values co-living and wants to add some joy to our space.
We love board games and movie nights, dad jokes, hosting the occasional party, long walks on the beach… etc 😂
The Room: $860/month (not including utilities)
- 15’ by 11’
- Large walk-in closet
- Hardwood floors
- Private Entrance
We’re sorry to say; No Pets Allowed
If you’re looking for a new spot on the sleepier side of Soquel, email us with your best dad joke as the subject.